An uncomfortable topic Again. (content warning: discussion of genitalia)
In An uncomfortable topic I discussed in very general terms tucking and a solution i have found ...
Since that post I have taken another couple of ballet classes using this technique and had no problems, I've also had a a day at work untucked...
Previously I have stated that my dysphoria was primarily psycho-social and social, With a year of social transition done and 8 months of hormones and near as damn it 2 months on GnRH analogue, some of that Dysphoria is much reduced,but like some kind of 'action shooting' range once you knock one target down up pops another.
The target that has popped up this time is the classical physical genital dysphoria that 'true transsexuals' are supposed to have had from the very beginning...I hate a certain part of my anatomy and getting rid of it ASAP has become an priority... I hate the way it feels, I hate the way it looks uncovered, I hate the way it looks when clothed and untucked...
I previously struggled to understand why some people self harm before this, I can now understand and empathise with this.
Since that post I have taken another couple of ballet classes using this technique and had no problems, I've also had a a day at work untucked...
Previously I have stated that my dysphoria was primarily psycho-social and social, With a year of social transition done and 8 months of hormones and near as damn it 2 months on GnRH analogue, some of that Dysphoria is much reduced,but like some kind of 'action shooting' range once you knock one target down up pops another.
The target that has popped up this time is the classical physical genital dysphoria that 'true transsexuals' are supposed to have had from the very beginning...I hate a certain part of my anatomy and getting rid of it ASAP has become an priority... I hate the way it feels, I hate the way it looks uncovered, I hate the way it looks when clothed and untucked...
I previously struggled to understand why some people self harm before this, I can now understand and empathise with this.
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