Social Transition ? what's that all about ?

To put it simply and briefly, social transition is when a trans person  throws off the mask and  cloak  they have been hiding under trying to please others thus far...

I'd experimented with my identity before, but about 3 years ago I came to a realisation that the 'girl' part of me was a real thing... She began to manifest, she acquired a name,  well she'd all ways had that name, it 's the name 

my mum and dad would have given me if the midwife / doctor hadn't made  that faulty assumption 41 years ago...

So over the next 18 months she had a lot of fun meeting people, exploring the world and so on... Then during the summer of 2017  Nicola Jayne  sat 'that boy' down (sadly dear reader you won't be getting to know my dead name it was a phase that I'm well and truly over) and had a serious chat with him... he was a lovely boy, but he was an act, a tissue of lies trying to please others  and frankly I would like full time control of things ...

So what did Nicola do next ?  a semi agonising three days presenting as a boy in August (the longest I'd had to maintain that pretence for ages) -  including uncloseting myself to my newly acquired #balletfamily at The Ballet Retreat sort of sealed it that boy was a diminishing presence...

September 2017 brought the following

Doctors appointment , baseline blood tests, Referral ... I'll talk about that in another post.

It also brought Email to my  my  Union Convenor at work 'can we meet I need to discuss something with you ...'  then a meeting  where I came out to my Convenor and we set up a  meeting  with my General Manager and HRBP to  start the ball rolling  for  transitioning at work ...

there was another The Ballet Retreat  scheduled for  the beginning of January  2018  ( exactly one year  to the date of this post)  so there was an 'interesting' email exchange with  the very fabulous Hannah Bateman co-owner and  administrative goddess of The ballet Retreat  informing  her that ' that boy' wouldn't be coming in January because I was!

October 2017  took me down to London for a few days on business related to  my old Job as a Nurse...  I took the Opportunity to Surprise David Kierce whom 'that boy' had met in August by taking class  with him at Central Nights...  this would be the first public class I had taken rather than 'that boy' (i'd had private and semi private classes before) class was great ...

the rest of the year  was a bit of a blur,  with the usual pandemonium of 'Black Friday' and the run up to Christmas  working for a retailer , slotting in  more meetings at  work  to cement the plan  and communication strategy for  my  transition ...

Then there's the endless chase of taking your Deed Poll around all the organisations  you have  services / contracts / accounts with ...

which brings us to one year ago today... see my next post.


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