'Please don't leave...'
It looks like electric light has not reached the (virtual) boardroom of something... is the smell and sound of another method of lighting i hear and smell...
"Please don't leave , we need you ..." - to provide a veneer of respectability to our structure
"Please don't leave your input is valuable" - except when it challenges the ego of others, then it's rejected
"please stay, we need you" - until it looks like you might vote against a damaging plan that is the pet project of someone else.
"Please stay, even if you find you can't do something that you had said was a three line whip , but someone else changed the date after confirming it. " - I don't like having my integrity compromised...
"Please stay, even though i've dismissed out of hands the concerns over the conduct of others in management raised by members that you share." - i think you underestimated the strength of my personality and unwillingness to compromise myself there ...
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