stretched strings
In 'Broken Dolly' I wrote about my experience of the first phone launch since being on GnRH analogues, this week, if you even vaguely follow tech stuff , you'll have noticed the launch of the various flavours of iPhone 11 from Apple, and of course this has just as much if not more of an impact on work as the other other big phone launches across the year (The 3 real biggies in our calendar are the Samsung S series Phone, the I phone and what whatever black Friday / pre-Christmas shenanigans they have planned).
I don't write a lot about work on the blog, because to be honest it's pretty mundane for me, wrangling stock and inventory whether virtually or actually to help keep the online, B2B and retail stock levels where they should be for a well known High St (and retail park) name ... but it's also a reminder that what is now my mundane is a wow ! moment for others ... when i'm hands on with stock 20 or 30 pallets with 350 - 700 phones on each one are routine.
But back to the actual purpose of this post.
Yes it still hurts and yes I get fatigued easier than I did pre-transition, the weight i've lost does help ...
I don't write a lot about work on the blog, because to be honest it's pretty mundane for me, wrangling stock and inventory whether virtually or actually to help keep the online, B2B and retail stock levels where they should be for a well known High St (and retail park) name ... but it's also a reminder that what is now my mundane is a wow ! moment for others ... when i'm hands on with stock 20 or 30 pallets with 350 - 700 phones on each one are routine.
But back to the actual purpose of this post.
Yes it still hurts and yes I get fatigued easier than I did pre-transition, the weight i've lost does help ...
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