that word that begins with 'I'


that one, 

the one one many trans folx are pretty sick of hearing...

you know ...


I'm not a fan of it myself , after all i'm just me being me, doing my thing ...

But sometimes  I'll embrace it when it used  about me, because the person using it knows  me well enough to be able able to mean it when they say it ...

like in this comment thread on an Instagram post

The TBR  team  have  seen me dance enough, over long enough period of time ( it's 2 years since my first TBR) to be able to pass comment on my progress  as dancer ...  the corrections  have changed  in that two years as well  to reflect   the dancer I have become all ready and the dancer i want to be ...

So what is the  point of  this post ...

Think about how you use that word,  think about how it  resonates and impacts...  like the finest spices , use it  enough to make  the recipe work ... 


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