Operation Cascade !

I'd been really looking forward to seeing Northern Ballet's new Production Geisha, and following  the recent  announcement that Hannah would be standing  down from  performing at  the end of this season, the performance scheduled to be opening at the time this post  was published was to be a celebratory  one to honour the 18 years  she has danced with Northern;

So i  was wondering what to do, in the  light of the impact Covid-19 has had on the  performing arts,  when in something else the topic of the 'flower throw'  at the Royal Opera House  when celebrating  landmarks moments  for  members of the Royal ballet came up ... 

Cnsequently an idea was born and thanks to the  help of #TBRfamily  the word  got spread around : 

A flower throw for Hannah Bateman


this Saturday evening's performance was  scheduled to be a Celebration for Hannah's career with Northern Ballet

obviously , in the light of the covid 19  situation  this performance is not happening... 


 at 1930 hrs  (GMT) on the 21st March   we are going to have a virtual 'flower throw' for Hannah 

please post an emoji  or image of a flower  and  offer  Hannah your thoughts  as you would have done if the performance had gone ahead 

 use the hashtag #hannahsflowercascade

to make sure you tag the correct Hannah  




this has been brought to you  by  Hannah's friends  and colleagues   from the The Ballet Retreat and  Northern Ballet 

I hope people reading this on Saturday  evening  will join in #hannahsflowercascade 


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