A story about a girl , Rethink, Reskill, Reboot
The 'Fatima' advert was tone deaf and a classic example of why some marketeers fall into a group of their own where they really do need to give their heads a wobble...
As it was all kicking off I wrote the following on a different social media channel.
"The whole Fatima advert thing has been a convenient distraction for those who would want to see the arts be removed from wider public consumption and to see access to vocational training even more restricted than it currently is.
"The whole Fatima advert thing has been a convenient distraction for those who would want to see the arts be removed from wider public consumption and to see access to vocational training even more restricted than it currently is.
It's also going to be used to prove the performing arts community are 'unreasonable' and 'histrionic'.
One of the great ironies in this is that many of the professional performers I know have already have multiple strings to their bows job and career wise, as do many of those I know who perform as an an amateur or on a very casual basis...
Billionaire Impresarios saying the government aren't doing enough really is not going to change things either..."
The advert was rather tone deaf but equally it was jumped on to the complete and utter ignorance of the others in the series and despite having a HMG logo on it didn't come from the Government it came from a training provider who delivers accredited 'Cyber First' training...
Other than being the kick off for this post that's not what i'm going to talk about in this post.
Those who know me IRL and/or have read the blog for a long time will be aware of my professional background in Healthcare, and how through various circumstances I no longer work in that Sector, but that is not the first time I've had to 'Rethink, Reskill, Reboot'...
There is also a habit among some people of assuming that when you question the reactions we saw to the Fatima advert that you are in some way supporting the shower of twatbadgers that is the current Conservative Government.
Everyone is one bad day away from losing their profession / vocation / job whether that is from your own actions /omissions, from something like an injury or illness or from external factors.
This does not excuse some of the stuff that is being said / reported (even if apparently misquoted) about the viability or otherwise of the Arts...
The reality is the the post-Covid normal will be different (whether that comes around because of a vaccine or because the virus mutates in a such a way it does not pose the threat initially thought or the threat we have seen it pose during this year).
Support your Artists, Support their endeavours at present, ensure that you make it clear to politicians that the Arts are not an optional extra for the rich and that dismantling the structures in place reduces access to the arts and truely will make them a 'pass time for the rich ' ...
The advert was rather tone deaf but equally it was jumped on to the complete and utter ignorance of the others in the series and despite having a HMG logo on it didn't come from the Government it came from a training provider who delivers accredited 'Cyber First' training...
Other than being the kick off for this post that's not what i'm going to talk about in this post.
Those who know me IRL and/or have read the blog for a long time will be aware of my professional background in Healthcare, and how through various circumstances I no longer work in that Sector, but that is not the first time I've had to 'Rethink, Reskill, Reboot'...
There is also a habit among some people of assuming that when you question the reactions we saw to the Fatima advert that you are in some way supporting the shower of twatbadgers that is the current Conservative Government.
Everyone is one bad day away from losing their profession / vocation / job whether that is from your own actions /omissions, from something like an injury or illness or from external factors.
This does not excuse some of the stuff that is being said / reported (even if apparently misquoted) about the viability or otherwise of the Arts...
The reality is the the post-Covid normal will be different (whether that comes around because of a vaccine or because the virus mutates in a such a way it does not pose the threat initially thought or the threat we have seen it pose during this year).
Support your Artists, Support their endeavours at present, ensure that you make it clear to politicians that the Arts are not an optional extra for the rich and that dismantling the structures in place reduces access to the arts and truely will make them a 'pass time for the rich ' ...
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