Speaking girl, but with an accent.

I read this  post on Twitter recently, it's a poem written by 'Samwitch11'

I speak girl with an accent.
Once, very long ago, it was as natural as breathing,
But the way I looked meant it was safer
To forget
To learn a new way to talk
To walk
To sit
To be
All of that made it possible for me to get here To survive until I could live again And I am so thankful for the privilege That so many others like me never had But now I speak girl with an accent And accents are not always welcome In America

It sums up the experience of many trans folx, and despite the wailing and  gnashing of the exclusionists about socialisation being unchanging and unchangeable, their position comes from the wrong end of the stick.  I wrote about that wrong end of  the stick view in a less adversarial topic of discussion early in the life of the blog.

I speak girl, I've always spoken it, sometimes very quietly, but it is my first language and because of the quietness or lack of use it's rusty, it's accented and I stumble over the words. However when I try and speak boy it's accented as well , I stumble over the words because I don't relate to the structures and the demands  that cisgender men accept as normal.

Mermaids' current #IfIHadAVoice campaign ties in with the especially the myths and lies about socialisation and the way  in which exclusionary voices  paint  trans  folx, especially girls and women as the  being of the  sex they were erroneously assigned at birth and choosing to 'invade'  the other sex.


  1. oh and to the misogynistic transphobe who left a comment ... did you honestly think it was going to be posted?

    but thanks , once again, for demonstrating the wilfull ignorance and arrogance that exclusionists have in not valuing the lived experience of trans folx.

  2. And another misogynistic, homophobic transphobe attempted to leave a comment, it;s almost as though they are so unintelligent as to think that I wouldn't have approve before posting turned on ...

  3. Lol why do you spell folks like that you muppet

    1. https://radicalcopyeditor.com/2016/09/12/folx/

      shame you don't have the glandular fortitude to put a name to your expression of ignorance


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